Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Gabriel Rossetti

Gabriel Rossetti

              "Gabriel Rossetti was a special person who could both draw beautiful pictures and write lovely poems. He was like an artist and a poet all in one!"

Introduction : 
  • Dante Gabriel Rossetti was born on May 12, 1828, in London, England.
  • His parents were originally from Italy.
  • His father, Gabriele Rossetti, was an Italian political refugee.
  • His mother, Frances Polidori, was the sister of Lord Byron's physician.
  • He grew up in a family that loved literature and the arts.
  • This early exposure to culture and creativity influenced him.
  • Rossetti's mixed Italian and English heritage shaped his artistic interests.
  • These early experiences provided the foundation for his later work as a renowned artist and poet.

Dante Gabriel Rossetti went to the Royal Academy of Arts in 1844 to learn more about art. But, he quickly got disappointed because they had strict and boring ways of teaching art. So, he, along with some friends who felt the same way, like William Holman Hunt and John Everett Millais, started something new in 1848. They formed a group called the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood (PRB) to make art that was different from what the Academy was teaching. This was a big moment in his life, and it changed the art world.

His notable works:
The Blessed Damozel" (poem and painting)
"Beata Beatrix" (painting)
"Proserpine" (painting)
"The Girlhood of Mary Virgin" (painting)
"Ecce Ancilla Domini!" (painting)
"The House of Life" (a series of sonnets)
"Lady Lilith" (painting)
"The Day Dream" (painting)
"The Woodman's Daughter" (ballad and poem)
"Sister Helen" (poem)

"The Blessed Damozel" (Poem and Painting): A captivating fusion of poetry and painting, illustrating Rossetti's unique artistic talents.

The poem was partially inspired by Edgar Allan Poe's poem "The Raven",[2] with its depiction of a lover grieving on Earth over the death of his loved one. Rossetti chose to represent the situation in reverse. The poem describes the damozel observing her lover from heaven, and her unfulfilled yearning for their reunion in heaven. The first four stanzas of the poem are inscribed on the frame of the painting:

The blessed damozel leaned out
From the gold bar of Heaven;
Her eyes were deeper than the depth
Of waters stilled at even;
She had three lilies in her hand,
And the stars in her hair were seven.

Her robe, ungirt from clasp to hem,
No wrought flowers did adorn,
But a white rose of Mary's gift,
For service meetly worn;
Her hair that lay along her back
Was yellow like ripe corn.

Herseemed she scarce had been a day
One of God's choristers;
The wonder was not yet quite gone
From that still look of hers;
Albeit, to them she left, her day
Had counted as ten years.

(To one, it is ten years of years.
. . . Yet now, and in this place,
Surely she leaned o'er me—her hair
Fell all about my face. . . .
Nothing: the autumn fall of leaves.
The whole year sets apace.)[1]

For whole poem 

"The Blessed Damozel" is a poem by Dante Gabriel Rossetti that tells the story of a woman who has passed away and now resides in heaven. She longs to be reunited with her lover on Earth and the poem explores themes of love, longing, and the separation between the earthly and heavenly realms. It's known for its vivid imagery and evocative language, with the Damozel yearning for her beloved from the golden bars of heaven.

"Beata Beatrix" (Painting): A renowned painting that reflects Rossetti's skill in capturing moments of beauty and spirituality.

"Proserpine" (Painting): Another visually striking work that showcases his artistic prowess.

"The Girlhood of Mary Virgin" (Painting): A painting that explores themes of spirituality and the innocence of youth.

"Ecce Ancilla Domini!" (Painting): An artwork that captures a moment of biblical significance.

"The House of Life" (Series of Sonnets): A captivating series of sonnets delving into themes of love and existence.

"Lady Lilith" (Painting): An example of Rossetti's artistic mastery and ability to depict timeless beauty.

"The Day Dream" (Painting): A work that reflects his talent for creating visually enchanting compositions.

"The Woodman's Daughter" (Ballad and Poem): A literary work that adds depth to his creative portfolio.

"Sister Helen" (Poem): A poem that contributes to his rich literary legacy.

he also wrote poems. His poems were a lot like his paintings – they had symbols and deep thoughts in them. He became famous for a collection of his poems called "The House of Life." His poems were really special and had a lot of meaning in them, just like his art.

  His art
"Gabriel Rossetti was really good at making paintings. His paintings were like stories, and they often talked about old stories and love. He liked to use lots of bright colors and made sure to add many tiny things in his art to make it special."

"Gabriel Rossetti also wrote lots of poems. His poems were about love, beauty, and magic. One of his most famous poems is 'Goblin Market.' It's a story about two sisters and some clever goblins."

Love and Relationships: 

Gabriel Rossetti's love life was quite puzzling. He deeply loved a lady named Elizabeth Siddal, and they eventually got married. His strong emotions for Elizabeth became a big source of inspiration for many of his beautiful poems and paintings.


Gabriel Rossetti's work still has a strong impact on artists and writers today. Many people admire his art and poems. His creative ideas and unique style play a significant role in the history of art. People continue to find inspiration in his work, making him an important figure in the world of creativity and imagination, even after all these years.

You can see here About the poet YouTube video 

Gabriel Rossetti was a remarkable person who could do two amazing things – create beautiful pictures and write lovely poems. His artwork was like telling stories with colors and details. Many of his paintings were about old legends and love, and he used lots of bright, beautiful colors to make them special.

Gabriel also wrote many poems, and his words talked about love, beauty, and magic. One of his most famous poems, "Goblin Market," is a story about two sisters and some clever goblins. It's still loved by people today.

Even though many years have passed, Gabriel Rossetti's work still has a strong influence on artists and writers. Many people, from all around the world, admire his art and poems. His ideas and unique style have a special place in the history of art. They keep inspiring people to this day, making him an important figure in the world of creativity and imagination.

Thanks for visiting..

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