Tuesday, October 24, 2023

The Rover

Welcome readers ! This blog is written in response to the thinking activity given by megha ma'am - Department of English, MKBU. The topic of my blog is Thinking activities in the question is

1. Angellica considers the financial negotiations that one makes before marrying a prospective bride the same as prostitution. Do you agree?

Ans.     I don't agree with Angellica because financial negotiations before marriage are about talking and agreeing on money and property matters legally and with both people's consent. On the other hand, prostitution is when someone gets paid money for sex, and this is against the law in many areas. So, these two things are not the same at all.

 2.   “All women together ought to let flowers fall upon the tomb of Aphra Behn, for it was she who earned them the right to speak their minds.” Virginia Woolf said so in ‘A Room of One’s Own’. Do you agree with this statement? Justify your answer with reference to your reading of the play ‘The Rover’.

Virginia Woolf's statement is a tribute to Aphra Behn, recognizing her as a trailblazer who helped women express themselves. "The Rover" is indeed one of Behn's notable works that challenges traditional gender roles. In the play, female characters like Hellena and Florinda display wit, independence, and a desire for love and freedom, which was unconventional in their time.

Aphra Behn's works contributed to women having a voice in literature, and she defied societal norms. Whether you agree with Woolf's statement depends on your perspective. Some see Behn's work as empowering women, while others may consider the limitations and complexities in her representation of gender. Overall, Woolf's statement acknowledges Behn's role in women's literary history, but it's important to consider the broader context of her work and its impact on women's rights and expression.

3. Which female character best represents the playwright, Aphra Behn? Consider the characteristics and beliefs of each female character, and make an argument that relates these distinctive attributes to what you know about Behn.

In "The Rover" by Aphra Behn, the character best representing the playwright herself is Hellena.

Here's why:

Independence: Hellena is strong-willed and independent, just like Aphra Behn. Behn was an independent woman who made a living through writing, defying the norms of her time when women had limited opportunities.

Cleverness: Hellena is witty and clever, using her intelligence to navigate challenges. Behn was known for her sharp wit and intelligence in her writing, much like her character.

Defiance of Gender Roles: Hellena defies traditional gender roles and pursues her own desires. Aphra Behn's works often challenged gender norms and portrayed strong, assertive women who sought their own paths.

Social Commentary: Aphra Behn used her writing to comment on society, and Hellena's character in "The Rover" reflects broader social and gender dynamics. Behn's plays often contained commentary on social issues, just as Hellena's story reflects the society of the time.

In summary, Hellena's characteristics and beliefs in "The Rover" align with what we know about Aphra Behn, making her the character that best represents the playwright in the context of the play.

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