Sunday, February 25, 2024



This blog is a part of a thinking activity given by Dilip Barad Sir from The English Department, MKBU, Bhavnagar. Check out Dilip Barad sir's Blog Site (Existentialism :  (FLN)) for more information and knowledge about Existentialism and Flipped Learning and other works.

Flipped Learning is a pedagogical approach in which direct instruction moves from the group learning space to the individual learning space, and the resulting group pace is transformed into a dynamic, interactive learning environment where the educator guides students as they apply concepts and engage creatively in the subject matter. (Flipped Learning Network (FLN)

For detailed understanding visit this link  : Flipped Learning Network

Thoughts that I like the most :

VIDEO - 1 

In the first video I am impressed by this thoughts.
What is Existentialism?

The first video explores existentialism, delving into the philosophies of various thinkers. It discusses the concept of "philosophical suicide," which refers to denying the meaninglessness of life, and emphasizes ideas surrounding individuality, passion, and freedom. In simpler terms, it examines the meaning of existence, the importance of personal identity, pursuing what one is passionate about, and the significance of freedom in making choices.

VIDEO - 2 

The core idea of existentialism is the recognition of life's inherent meaninglessness, which may prompt individuals to consider either physical or philosophical suicide to break free from this cycle. However, Camus presents an alternative perspective, suggesting that there are other paths to liberation.

Regarding the second thought, it revolves around three beliefs: the absence of hope, the act of rejection, and a conscious state of dissatisfaction. Together, these attitudes can lead to what is metaphorically termed "philosophical death," signifying a loss of purpose or vitality in one's existence. In simpler terms, when individuals lack hope, reject opportunities, and feel perpetually dissatisfied, they may experience a kind of existential stagnation or decline.

The Notion of Philosophical suicide.
 This video talked about the philosophical suicide and this problem come out from A total absence of hope, A continual rejection and conscious dissatisfaction. From this method people escaped from absurd life. When we kill our self as a philosopher it is called the philosophical suicide. It comes out from human being. If there is no human being, there won’t be any desire. All requirements like a total absence of hope, a continual reflection, conscious dissatisfaction should not be confused with despair, renunciation, immature unrest.

Dadaism and Nihilism might seem similar because they both reject the meaningless values imposed by society. But their main similarity is being fed up with these values. In Dadaism, the focus is on creating things without being bound by others' standards. They believe in making their own values that matter to them. Both Dadaism and Nihilism ignore the values forced upon them by others.

VIDEO - 5 

Making choices is crucial. Everyone should decide for themselves. It's not just about making decisions; it's also about owning up to the responsibilities and consequences that come with those choices. In simpler terms, choosing what to do is important, but it's equally important to take full responsibility for the outcomes that result from those decisions.

VIDEO - 6 

Nihilism is when you feel like you've lost who you are and might even want to end your life. But if you focus on staying positive, it can help you get through tough times. Existentialism says life is about finding your own purpose. So, even when things seem really hard, staying positive and looking for meaning is important for dealing with life's challenges, according to existentialist ideas.


Existentialism ask question of existence that why I am here? what is life? Divine perspective and human perspective. Human were not design by any supernatural power, existentialism see the life from religiously, scientifically and philosophically and raise question about human existence.


Nietzsche's take on Existentialism focuses on the idea that humans don't need any higher power to guide their lives since there's no God anymore. He introduced the concept of the "Ubermensch" or superman, which emphasizes freedom. According to him, we're in charge of our own destinies and can make our own rules. Essentially, Nietzsche believed that humans are free to choose without relying on any supernatural authority, asserting that we are the ultimate masters of our lives.

In the this video I am impressed by this thoughts.

Existentialism is a way of life and understand life deeply. Existentialism says about what I am. Eric Dodson said that it is honest and shows reality of life and accept your fault and your abilities.Existentialism is a very broad idea to understand the deeper meaning of life. Existentialism is not apply to the mind but also apply to the heart which is called existential sensibility. It means that as a mind wants to know the meaning of life heart also wants to enjoy or feel it.

Video - 10

The key idea in this video is that we are the ones who decide why we make certain choices. We can also say that sometimes choices don't have a specific reason behind them; they're just choices. Life itself might not have an inherent meaning, but we're the ones who give it meaning by the way we live it. In simpler terms, we're in control of the reasons behind our decisions, and the significance of life comes from the meanings we assign to it.


I Like the last video! It emphasizes the importance of creating our own unique identity instead of simply following what others think or do. It teaches us that forging our own path in life is crucial. In simpler terms, the video highlights the value of carving out our own individuality rather than conforming to external influences, showing us the significance of charting our own course in the world.

Learning outcome : 

Doing this activity has helped me understand Existentialism better, and now I have a clearer picture of this philosophy in my mind. In simpler terms, engaging in this activity has improved my understanding of Existentialism and has made the concepts clearer for me.Doing this activity has helped me understand Existentialism better, and now I have a clearer picture of this philosophy in my mind. In simpler terms, engaging in this activity has improved my understanding of Existentialism and has made the concepts clearer for me.

Questions :

video - 1
Que. 1 : Existentialism suggests that we determine our own meaning by making choices. But can we really embrace a world where we have complete freedom? And how much does this idea impact how we live day to day?

Que. 2 : what does Albert Camus mean by "The Leap" in the context of existentialism, as discussed in (video 3 at the 2.43) frame?

Que. 3 : why does existentialism emphasize the importance of confronting life's difficulties instead of avoiding or running away from them?

Que. 4 : Video -4 How does Existentialism explore the notion of values dictated by others?

Que. 5 : what does the concept of Übermensch mean? (Video 8) at the 1:45 timestamp

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